Career Tips

At Scion Staffing, we understand motivation. It’s our job to connect the best talent on the market to local, remote and national businesses and organizations. Our recruitment team walks alongside job seekers- some who are in their hardest season- to coach, encourage and motivate every step of the way throughout the job searching process. Needless to say, we get motivation. That’s why we’ve put together a list of encouraging and motivational books that you should read as you begin this new year. Whether you are beginning your job search, running a successful company or just hope to receive new insight and motivation- this list is for you.   Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organization- John Wooden John Wooden’s goal in...

  As we continue to work remotely, many of us from makeshift offices, more people are becoming comfortable with the “relaxed” atmosphere of working from home. As staffing professionals, who, day in and day out conduct interviews and facilitate meetings for our valued clients and talented candidates, we are here to remind you of our favorite best practices for video calls and conferences to ensure you look sharp and professional, at least from the waist up! Location, location, location. Regardless of the type of meeting you are in, it is crucial to find a quiet space that is well lite and free of distractions. As we continue to work from less-than ideal offices with, perhaps, less-than ideal backgrounds, we can utilize tools...

Why do you do what you do? In your career, with your daily life decisions and relationships, do you know what your why is? Is your why connected to your values, a mission or some other pillars that guide your life? Have you thought about what motivates you to get up each morning and clock into your work? Are you feeling stuck, not knowing what you want to do? Perhaps you’ve just graduated and don’t have a clear direction of what your next career step is. Or, maybe you’ve been working for over a decade and still don’t feel like you’ve found your sweet spot. We believe that defining and understanding your 'work why' can transform your job, and help you...