24 Nov Best Practices for Remote Meetings
As we continue to work remotely, many of us from makeshift offices, more people are becoming comfortable with the “relaxed” atmosphere of working from home. As staffing professionals, who, day in and day out conduct interviews and facilitate meetings for our valued clients and talented candidates, we are here to remind you of our favorite best practices for video calls and conferences to ensure you look sharp and professional, at least from the waist up!
Location, location, location.
Regardless of the type of meeting you are in, it is crucial to find a quiet space that is well lite and free of distractions. As we continue to work from less-than ideal offices with, perhaps, less-than ideal backgrounds, we can utilize tools from Zoom, Teams and Skype to put up virtual backgrounds to hide whatever may be in our real backgrounds.
Ensure your internet connection is stable and working.
You are bound to encounter an internet snafu here and there—with so many people accessing the internet from their homes it’s busier than ever. To avoid connection errors, before an important call or interview, do a simple check and/or test of your wifi or internet. While you’re checking that status, go ahead and cover all your bases: if you’re using headphones, check the connection there as well as the mic and webcam that you’ll be using.
Close out distractions.
Extra tabs, email popups and other running programs can cause distraction for you while in your meeting and may cause glitches to your connection. Our best practices advise closing everything out for the duration of your meeting to ensure you are focused and present on the task at hand.
Dress professionally.
Although you may not be working from the office doesn’t mean you have the free pass to dress any less professionally. Continue to get dressed, comb your hair and brush your teeth before starting work. Even if you aren’t scheduled for any meetings, you’ll be ready, should your boss video calls you and according to Inc.com, research shows that the clothes you wear actually change the way you perform.
Regardless of where or how you work, we hope these best practices give you the tools to give your best everyday. If you are ready to look into new opportunities, our experienced recruitment team would love to connect. Apply today!