22 Jun Entering The Job Force: Congratulations Class of 2021!
Class of 2021. Congratulations! You’ve endured extreme circumstances and prevailed. As you enter the next season and seek out your dream job, we know that it includes a myriad of emotions. We’re here to lend some advice and encouragement as you step into this journey- and as always, we would be thrilled to assist you with your job search, apply today!
It’s never to early to network.
Networking is key to a successful job search. Sometimes it less about what you know and more about who you know. For more networking tips- read our blog!
Stay organized.
With informational interviews, coffee dates and multiple zoom meetings, you want to make sure you are staying organized. We’ve got 5 tips to stay organized- whether you’re at work or you are in the process of landing your dream job.
Have an updated resume.
Your resume is likely one of the first things that people will see about you. Make sure that it is up to date, polished and free of grammar and punctuation mistakes. Read our tips here.
Clean up your social media.
These days almost every hiring manager will take a look at your social media profile. Whether that is your professional LinkedIn or digital portfolio, make sure that your information is up to date, represents your career goals clearly and is free of unprofessional language and communication.
Most importantly, enjoy this season as you transition into the next stage, whatever that may be. Work hard and be diligent- success will find you! We hope that you have only bright things for your future! For additional resources- visit our Job Seekers page today! Congratulations!