How to Effectively Manage Remote Work

Remote work image of women working at a computer

How to Effectively Manage Remote Work

Whether you’ve had to pivot to remote work during this past year, or you have worked a remote schedule for years, prioritizing your day’s schedule, breaks and continuing to build team spirit will help immensely to keep motivated and you on top of your work.


Take a break – everyday.

Have you ever been so focused on a project that you look at the clock and wonder where you day has gone? Regardless of if you are in an office or working remotely, taking periodic breaks, to take your eyes off of your computer, stretch, eat or get outside will help you to continue to balance your work. Additionally, did you know that 45% of remote workers take less than an hour lunch break, while 25% work through lunch. Put your break into your calendar so you will be reminded to eat, move and refocus.


Build out your work schedule.

When do you check emails? Work on projects? Have team calls? Perhaps your role is in sales and you need to speak to clients in different time zones. To continue to stay efficient in your work, build out a schedule and within that schedule batch your work. Spend your first and last hour checking email and then utilize the rest of your day to make calls, set up meetings and work on projects. Block time out on your calendar to ensure you have time to work on your projects without being interrupted. You’ll be amazed at how efficient you can be.


Socialize with your team and coworkers.

One of the most heard complaints people have regarding remote work is that they feel lonely. Combat that by reaching out to your team or coworkers throughout the day to check in, ask about their weekend and continue to build camaraderie within your team. Initiate after work happy hours or birthday celebrations to ensure you continue to contest loneliness.


Build a designated workspace, that is just for work.

It’s easy to be lax with your workspace when working remotely. By designating a specific workspace for your remote work you’ll be able to stay organized and on task as well as leave work when it’s time to end the day.


Remote work has many benefits. As we continue to build our schedules around remote working, let’s make sure we are efficient and effective at it. For more tips and resources on remote interviews, working with a staffing agency and more, read our blog today!