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The world of finding a job and the world at large are very different than they were just two months ago, and finding a job during the COVID-19 pandemic is a unique challenge. Many employers have instituted temporary hiring freezes or closed altogether, making job hunting a much more strategic and trying task. However, some employers and industries are still hiring in full force or at partial capacity. A candidate with the right skills and experience will still be worth the hire for a company, nonprofit organization, or governmental entity. Here are some tips for job hunting during a time of remote work and social distancing. Think about whether remote work is possible for the job to which you’re applying. Many office...

Are you looking for temporary jobs or interested in applying at staffing agencies? This post explains the types of temp jobs available and their benefits, how to find work, useful tactics to use when applying and more about the national temporary staffing market. What Is a Temporary Job? A temporary job is an employment situation where the employee is expected to remain in a position only for a certain period of limited time instead of a long-term placement in a permanent position. Temporary employees may have the opportunity to be considered for permanent employment status. Temporary employees may also be referred to as seasonal employees or temps in some industries. How Long Are Most Temporary Jobs? Short-term temporary jobs can last just one...