Blog Insights

The use of salary guides in talent acquisition has become an important tool for business owners and hiring managers. They assist in setting fair compensation packages and attracting top talent. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using a salary guide in your talent acquisition strategy, how businesses can effectively utilize them, and their role in recruiting top talent in today's competitive job market. What Is a Salary Guide? A salary guide is a resource that offers information on salary ranges for different job roles in various industries and regions. It is used by businesses, job seekers, and hiring professionals to determine competitive compensation packages. These guides cover a wide range of professions, providing details on average salaries, bonuses,...

In the world of recruiting and talent sourcing, the relationship between candidates and recruiters is crucial. It can help shape careers for applicants and for employers who rely on recruiters to help them locate specialized talent. However, the downside is that not every interview leads to immediate success and a successful hire. Not every application even ends up as an interview! The job market is unpredictable, and the talent pool is as flooded as ever, with opportunities coming and going just as quickly as they show up. But a strong bond with a recruiter is a valuable asset for a job seeker, and the same is for the recruiter. It keeps candidates in the loop for future job prospects...

In today's world of talent recruitment, the way we find and hire top talent has changed. Along with the traditional in-person interview, there is now the option of video interviews. This has become an important part of the recruitment process, with advantages and challenges for recruiters and candidates. In today's globalized world, remote work and adaptability are highly valued. Mastering video interviews is crucial for both recruiters and job candidates. This blog post will cover all aspects of video interviews, including their benefits, drawbacks, and best practices. Do Businesses Prefer to Conduct Virtual Interviews? The landscape of recruitment and hiring has undergone a significant shift, with virtual interviews now being a key component of the process. However, determining whether businesses prefer virtual...

After successfully placing a candidate in a job, the journey doesn't end there. Building lasting relationships is crucial for both recruiters and candidates. The dynamics between recruiters and candidates continue even after the offer letter is signed. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of post-placement relationships, including ways recruiters can build and maintain these relationships, and whether recruiters still have a role after a candidate is placed. The Importance of Building a Strong Relationship with Your Recruiter as a Candidate Establishing a strong and lasting relationship with your recruiter is important for both the candidate and the recruiter. It goes beyond just helping you find a job, as a recruiter can also serve as a mentor and career partner....

Payrolling services are a beneficial tool for businesses and organizations that depend on staffing services to help mitigate their personnel gaps or use staffing services during peak or holiday seasons. These services offer an efficient and cost-effective solution for managing payroll for temporary or contract workers, ensuring that they are compliant with labor laws and tax regulations. This article will examine payrolling services, addressing the important questions about their functionality, the concept of employee of record payrolling in staffing, the expenses associated with payroll services (including the cost-saving advantages of utilizing an employee of record payrolling service), the mechanics of employee of record, and the concept of employee of record services. What Is Employee of Record Services? Employee of Record services...

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, exceptional customer service stands as the cornerstone of any successful organization. Companies are acutely aware that customer satisfaction and loyalty hinge on the quality of their customer service teams. Consequently, the interview process for customer service roles has become more rigorous than ever before. To help both job seekers and employers navigate this critical aspect of the hiring process, we've compiled a comprehensive guide featuring some of the most common interview questions for customer service job interviews. In this post, we will delve into these thoughtfully crafted inquiries, offering valuable insights to candidates seeking to ace their interviews and employers seeking the most capable individuals to join their customer service ranks. So, whether...

Successful property management relies on carefully selecting individuals who can handle the various responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities that come with the job. Property managers are crucial for efficient real estate operations as they protect investments, ensure tenant satisfaction, and increase property value. In this blog, we will discuss the essential qualities that should guide your search for property managers who not only meet the role's demands but also enhance your real estate portfolio. These traits go beyond traditional hiring criteria and are crucial for building a high-performing team in this dynamic industry. Let's explore the qualities that define an ideal property manager and empower your staffing efforts in property management. What does a property manager do? Property managers play a vital...

The role of a finance manager is crucial in the world of finance. They must have a diverse skill set to handle the ever-changing financial markets and regulations. In this blog, we explore the key competencies that exceptional finance managers possess. From analytical prowess to communication skills, we will discuss the ten essential skills that every finance manager needs. Whether you're starting your finance career or a seasoned professional, this guide offers valuable insights and strategies for success in finance management. What are finance manager responsibilities? The responsibilities of a finance manager include managing and analyzing financial data, examining statements, trends, and projecting future performance. They develop and implement financial strategies aligned with company goals, ensuring prudent planning and risk management....

Are you a recruiter, recruiting professional, or hiring manager and have trouble with conducting successful virtual interviews with potential candidates? We get it. Since the pandemic, virtual interviews have become the new trend in the professional world, and they are changing the way we connect with potential candidates. To make sure you don't miss out on top-tier talent, we have created a 7-point checklist just for you. This ultimate guide of online interview techniques will help you navigate the digital landscape and conduct seamless and successful virtual interviews. From optimizing your technical setup to perfecting your communication style, we have all the tips and tricks you need. Join us and discover strategies that will streamline your virtual job interview...

In the modern business world, sustainable success relies on more than just obtaining deals and expanding market reach. It also necessitates fostering the growth and development of a company's employees, who are its most valuable asset. A thriving workplace culture aims to create an environment that empowers individuals to reach their full potential, contributing to business development and ensuring employee retention, going beyond mere profitability. Organizations are recognizing the importance of talent retention for long-term success, leading to a greater emphasis on employee satisfaction. In this blog post, we will explore the strategies used by companies to create cultures that support employee growth and well-being. What does it mean for a company to foster an environment of growth and development? The...

In a world where businesses are challenged to balance profitability and social responsibility, the concept of impact hiring has emerged as a compelling solution. Impact hiring transcends the conventional business focus on education, qualifications, and skills, and rather emphasizes a purpose-driven approach to talent acquisition. Impact hiring centers around the belief that entry-level candidates who have faced systemic barriers or come from a marginalized group who embody a strong commitment to positive change and align with a company's values can drive transformative outcomes within organizations. As the global landscape continues to witness a growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility, impact hiring has emerged as a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to thrive in a socially conscious era. In this blog,...

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting people across the globe and opening up endless possibilities. Recruiters, too, have embraced this powerful tool to expand their candidate search and unearth diamonds in the virtual haystack. So, if you're curious about how recruiters can leverage social media platforms to discover a wider audience of quality candidates in combination with traditional recruiting methods, you're in the right place! In this blog, we'll uncover the strategies, tips, and best practices that can help recruiters tap into the vast pool of talent on social media and create meaningful connections that lead to exceptional hires. What social media channels should you use as a recruiter? It seems like...

The position of a paralegal has become essential to law firms and legal departments in today's dynamic legal setting. A skilled paralegal may improve productivity, streamline processes, and contribute to an organization's overall success. Finding the ideal paralegal candidate, however, can be a challenging task that calls for a methodical and deliberate approach to recruiting. We'll explore the five essential paralegal recruiting steps in the following blog post that will enable you to successfully recruit paralegals for your organization or law firm. By utilizing these tried-and-true tactics, you may draw in top talent, guarantee a smooth hiring procedure, and ultimately assemble a group of outstanding paralegals who are prepared to elevate your law business to new heights. Let's dive...

Many businesses are looking to implement creative staffing strategies to attract and retain top talent in the competitive business environment of today. One such strategy is the temp-to-hire model, which gives both businesses and employees a chance to try things out before committing to a full-time position. About 64% of these roles are filled by people who are in between jobs and looking for their next full-time job in the competitive employment market. Implementing a successful temp-to-hire strategy involves careful preparation and execution, even with the prospective benefits of this approach. In this article, we'll look at how businesses may perfect their temp-to-hire approach, from crafting a precise job description to screening applicants and successfully onboarding them. Companies can improve...

As an award-winning, socially conscious executive search firm and staffing agency, Scion Staffing has established itself as a leader in exceptional talent identification, built on the foundation of relationships we have mindfully cultivated with individuals, businesses, and organizations, as well as among our team members. At Scion, we lead by example, consistently promoting operational excellence; delivering employee and client satisfaction; upholding professional ethics; celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusions; and fostering the true potential of our industry. Many of our clients value community engagement at both the local and global levels, and we share this passion; volunteering and community engagement are a fundamental part of who we are as a company. Since our founding, our core values have driven us...

The United States unemployment rate has always been a reflection of the country's economy. By definition, the unemployment rate is the number of workers in the labor force that is not currently employed but could be. Throughout the years, the unemployment rate has been a constant topic of discussion among leaders in a variety of industries and in politics. In today's working environment, the unemployment rate is at one of its lowest rates in years, due to many workers returning to work after the pandemic. Over time, we've seen waves of high unemployment and low unemployment, but are the current trends in unemployment pointing in the right direction of a healthy economy in our near future? How is Unemployment Measured? In...

A good hire, moreover, multiple good hires are essential to the success of any organization. From improved employee retention and career growth to increased productivity and workplace culture, a good hire can have a significant impact on an organization's bottom line. In this article, we'll explore the ways in which a good hire can affect an organization as well as what it takes to ensure that you're making the right hiring choices. When making a hiring decision, it's important to consider the potential impact of the new hire on the organization as a whole. A good hire can help to improve employee retention, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that makes positive hires. Good hires also...

Written by: Ex Hopson (they, them), a member of Scion's DEI Committee and Executive Recruiter for Scion Executive Search In honor and recognition of Black History Month, our DEI committee has shared their reflections and resources below.  2023 Black History Month While Black History Month was observed as early as 1915, it was first formally recognized by a U.S. president in 1976. For an incredible introduction to the generational experiences and histories of Black Americans, the National Museum of African American History & Culture has a virtual exhibit entitled, “Making a Way Out of No Way,” which can be found here: Please note, this link directs to an introductory “entrance” video which will auto-play. The full exhibit follows the video with additional themes to click through and...

Scion Staffing, Inc. is proud to be recognized as a ClearlyRated Best of Staffing winner for the third year in a row in Talent as well as newly added in the Client category. This prestigious award recognizes staffing agencies that have proven superior service quality based entirely on ratings provided by their clients, placed talent, and internal employees. Staffing and recruiting is a business based on strategically and successfully connecting people to people. As a business Scion takes it seriously to make meaningful employment matches. According to Eric Gregg of ClearlyRated, the Best of Staffing Client Award is achieved by fewer than 2% of all staffing companies in the US and Canada, and even fewer than 1% achieve the Talent...

Our workplace environments have seen a complete shift post-COVID and with the ongoing advancements in technology, we are witnessing one of the biggest shifts in the workplace in history. Along with tech advancements, this shift has made the job market incredibly competitive with the ability for virtual interviews and hiring. Now, headhunters are having to be even more strategic in how they find the right talent for their jobs. Candidates also have more accessibility to job postings than ever before, and this is becoming an obstacle for recruiters. Going into 2023, what are the biggest recruiting trends that HR professionals and manager can expect this year? We will break down some of the biggest recruiting trends for 2023 and...