Business Planning

The landscape of employment is undergoing a significant shift. We're witnessing a trend of rising wages across various industries and regions, which presents a unique atmosphere for hiring managers and business owners. Understanding this trend and its potential impact on staffing is important for planning ahead in terms of your workforce. This article offers information and strategies for adjusting to wage increases. We will discuss changing wage regulations and address common concerns related to higher employee pay. We hope to equip you with a better understanding of how rising wages impact hiring practices and receive practical tips for navigating this shifting landscape. The New Landscape of Wage Regulations Effective July 2024, the US Department of Labor's (DOL) Final Overtime Rule implements key...

Employee engagement is no longer a luxury for businesses, but a strategic necessity in today's competitive labor market. Engaged employees are the backbone of thriving organizations, driving productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we delve into the crucial concept of employee engagement, exploring its meaning, significance, and practical strategies to cultivate a truly engaged workforce and improve job satisfaction among workers. We will discuss how prioritizing employee well-being, fostering open communication, providing growth opportunities, and implementing effective engagement activities can transform your workplace and unlock the full potential of your team. Additionally, we will explore proven methods for measuring employee engagement and introduce Scion Staffing, your partner in finding and retaining top talent through our comprehensive recruitment...

In today's job market, the war for talent is fierce. With more opportunities than ever available, skilled professionals have the upper hand when choosing where they want to work. This is where employer branding comes in – it's your company's unique story, your culture, and the value proposition you offer potential employees. Just like a strong product brand attracts customers, a strong employer brand attracts top talent. Why Employer Branding is Important In the current competitive talent market, having open positions may not be sufficient to attract top talent. Developing a strong employer brand can offer numerous benefits beyond just filling vacancies. Attract Top Talent Like a Magnet: Forget generic job postings and endless resume screenings. A strong employer brand sets you...

The use of salary guides in talent acquisition has become an important tool for business owners and hiring managers. They assist in setting fair compensation packages and attracting top talent. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using a salary guide in your talent acquisition strategy, how businesses can effectively utilize them, and their role in recruiting top talent in today's competitive job market. What Is a Salary Guide? A salary guide is a resource that offers information on salary ranges for different job roles in various industries and regions. It is used by businesses, job seekers, and hiring professionals to determine competitive compensation packages. These guides cover a wide range of professions, providing details on average salaries, bonuses,...

Payrolling services are a beneficial tool for businesses and organizations that depend on staffing services to help mitigate their personnel gaps or use staffing services during peak or holiday seasons. These services offer an efficient and cost-effective solution for managing payroll for temporary or contract workers, ensuring that they are compliant with labor laws and tax regulations. This article will examine payrolling services, addressing the important questions about their functionality, the concept of employee of record payrolling in staffing, the expenses associated with payroll services (including the cost-saving advantages of utilizing an employee of record payrolling service), the mechanics of employee of record, and the concept of employee of record services. What Is Employee of Record Services? Employee of Record services...

In the modern business world, sustainable success relies on more than just obtaining deals and expanding market reach. It also necessitates fostering the growth and development of a company's employees, who are its most valuable asset. A thriving workplace culture aims to create an environment that empowers individuals to reach their full potential, contributing to business development and ensuring employee retention, going beyond mere profitability. Organizations are recognizing the importance of talent retention for long-term success, leading to a greater emphasis on employee satisfaction. In this blog post, we will explore the strategies used by companies to create cultures that support employee growth and well-being. What does it mean for a company to foster an environment of growth and development? The...

In a world where businesses are challenged to balance profitability and social responsibility, the concept of impact hiring has emerged as a compelling solution. Impact hiring transcends the conventional business focus on education, qualifications, and skills, and rather emphasizes a purpose-driven approach to talent acquisition. Impact hiring centers around the belief that entry-level candidates who have faced systemic barriers or come from a marginalized group who embody a strong commitment to positive change and align with a company's values can drive transformative outcomes within organizations. As the global landscape continues to witness a growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility, impact hiring has emerged as a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to thrive in a socially conscious era. In this blog,...

Many businesses are looking to implement creative staffing strategies to attract and retain top talent in the competitive business environment of today. One such strategy is the temp-to-hire model, which gives both businesses and employees a chance to try things out before committing to a full-time position. About 64% of these roles are filled by people who are in between jobs and looking for their next full-time job in the competitive employment market. Implementing a successful temp-to-hire strategy involves careful preparation and execution, even with the prospective benefits of this approach. In this article, we'll look at how businesses may perfect their temp-to-hire approach, from crafting a precise job description to screening applicants and successfully onboarding them. Companies can improve...

For years, economic experts in the United States have discussed the reasoning for a skills gap in the labor force in the country. The advances in technology like artificial intelligence and automation have changed the nature of how work is done. These advances have created a skills gap in which companies are struggling to hire workers that are trained correctly and lack certain skills in order to perform certain jobs the way they are needed. In fact, American senior executives believe that about 44% of Americans lack soft skills like communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Executives also believe that workers lack technical skills, software skills, and leadership skills. In this article, we'll explain what exactly the skills gap...

Customer service jobs can be some of the most challenging positions to fill for business owners. Customer service industry careers also some of the most critical jobs when it pertains to being able to compete effectively in a given market when providing a service or product. A good customer service experience can be a large deciding factor of whether or not a consumer returns to them or suggests their services to other potential customers. Finding quality customer service employees in today's present market is turning out to be a big challenge for companies, including some of our own clients. We hear a lot of stories from business owners and hiring managers that have issues finding qualified candidates. This blog...

All too often we hear from business owners and hiring managers that they have trouble finding candidates- and then when they do, those candidates often fall short of the experience or qualities needed to perform the position. But how can the labor market be tight with unemployment at 6.3% of the labor force? In this market; influenced by 2020’s pandemic that created an unprecedented shift in employment, we are seeing a tighter than ever labor market that trends in favor towards candidates.  Understanding all of this, many of our clients are leaning on us to help find qualified and team-oriented players for their team. Read on to learn the benefits of using a staffing agency and recruitment firm (such as Scion) for your next hire and...

When you decide that it’s time to add a new employee to your team, one of the first things you’ll need to do is create a job description. You don’t want to write just any job description but rather a highly effective job description, which will in turn give you more time to connect with you ideal candidates, rather than sifting through hundreds of candidates. Your description is incredibly important to define and describe the ideal candidate for your open opportunity. To ensure you are equipped to write the best, we’ve put together a list of six important details to include in your written description to find top talent.  Start with the job title. Although it may see fun...

Staffing agencies play a vital role in today's job market, helping both employers and job seekers find the right match. However, several common myths and misconceptions often surround staffing organizations, leading to confusion and missed opportunities for both employers and potential job seekers. In our latest blog post, we aim to debunk four common staffing agency myths and shed light on the truth behind them. Myth 1: Staffing Agencies Only Provide Temporary Jobs Reality: While it's true that staffing agencies excel in temporary and contract placements, they offer much more than short-term roles and temp jobs. Many staffing firms have evolved to cater to a wide variety of employment needs, including direct-hire and temp-to-hire opportunities. They work closely with employers to...

How to ensure your longevity within your nonprofit team.    It’s been said that your organization’s biggest asset is its people. When an organization has the right talent, it runs like a well-oiled machine, regardless of the bumps it may encounter. As nonprofit staffing experts, we have the pleasure of partnering with nonprofits throughout the U.S. to ensure a great fit for the role and for the culture. We have put together a list of ways to ensure longevity within your organization’s team and build a foolproof nonprofit staffing plan.    Have a strong mission.   Individuals who seek work with nonprofit organizations desire a mission that they align with. When your organization has a strong mission and vision, you are then able to easily cast that vision for new employees and as such, they are able to catch and own...

Start off the new year of 2021 the right way! Create a strategic plan for your business or department to thrive. Happy New Year! As we ring in a new year, we busy ourselves with reflecting on the past year (I’m sure we can all agree, this past year was a doozy) and forge ahead with goals for the year to come. As a recruitment agency, we have successfully helped startups, businesses and organizations save time and money as well as  grow through finding the best and brightest talent for their teams. Regardless of what your business goals are this year, it’s helpful to build out a strategic plan to overview just how you will address your business’s pain points. Begin...