small business

The landscape of employment is undergoing a significant shift. We're witnessing a trend of rising wages across various industries and regions, which presents a unique atmosphere for hiring managers and business owners. Understanding this trend and its potential impact on staffing is important for planning ahead in terms of your workforce. This article offers information and strategies for adjusting to wage increases. We will discuss changing wage regulations and address common concerns related to higher employee pay. We hope to equip you with a better understanding of how rising wages impact hiring practices and receive practical tips for navigating this shifting landscape. The New Landscape of Wage Regulations Effective July 2024, the US Department of Labor's (DOL) Final Overtime Rule implements key...

In today's job market, the war for talent is fierce. With more opportunities than ever available, skilled professionals have the upper hand when choosing where they want to work. This is where employer branding comes in – it's your company's unique story, your culture, and the value proposition you offer potential employees. Just like a strong product brand attracts customers, a strong employer brand attracts top talent. Why Employer Branding is Important In the current competitive talent market, having open positions may not be sufficient to attract top talent. Developing a strong employer brand can offer numerous benefits beyond just filling vacancies. Attract Top Talent Like a Magnet: Forget generic job postings and endless resume screenings. A strong employer brand sets you...

In the modern business world, sustainable success relies on more than just obtaining deals and expanding market reach. It also necessitates fostering the growth and development of a company's employees, who are its most valuable asset. A thriving workplace culture aims to create an environment that empowers individuals to reach their full potential, contributing to business development and ensuring employee retention, going beyond mere profitability. Organizations are recognizing the importance of talent retention for long-term success, leading to a greater emphasis on employee satisfaction. In this blog post, we will explore the strategies used by companies to create cultures that support employee growth and well-being. What does it mean for a company to foster an environment of growth and development? The...

During this time of year, individuals and organizations alike spend millions of dollars on gifts for themselves or other people. The combination of holiday shopping and Black Friday has created and driven people to spend their money in numerous ways. In the year 2022, consumer spending on goods has continued to increase, despite the rising worries of inflation and prices for consumer goods continuing to increase at a historic level. For many people, this yearly spending spree is basically a tradition. However, what if there was a different way to celebrate that tradition that can be beneficial and make an impact in our communities? Giving Tuesday, or the #GivingTuesday movement, has gained momentum thanks to social media and has proven...

As more companies begin to roll out their plans to return to the office, one of the biggest concerns that managers may face is the lack of in-person camaraderie between their team members. In order to reach certain team goals, communication and teamwork is crucial. When an entire team has been away from each other for almost two years in some cases, building back strong teams can prove to be difficult. In this article, we'll discuss some ways you can build back your high-performing team, as well as some team building activities that will help you reach that common goal of success in the workplace. Why is team building so important? A team is only strong when all of the team...

In today's working world, being in a hybrid or remote working environment has become more normal than before the pandemic that rocked the world. As more states in the country begin to roll back their coronavirus guidelines and open up their offices again, the big question remains: will employees WANT to return to the office? Studies and statistics have shown that remote workers are more productive than those who work at the office. The elimination of certain aspects has allowed employees to show good production when working at home in their respective remote teams. What about the managers, though? Managers have had arguably the toughest time adjusting to the work from home lifestyle, as their managerial style has truly been...

Welcome to our first installment of our series 'A Year in Review', where we take a look at 2021 from the lens of Scion Staffing and its leading national search divisions. Reflecting on our year can help our readers, followers, and especially our employees better understand what we've accomplished in the last 12 months as a staffing agency. It's also a way to help our readers and internal staff understand what we're looking forward to in the next year and beyond. Join us for the month of December and read along about our year in review. This week we'll be focusing on our impact in the staffing world for the year of 2021. Scion Staffing is an award-winning staffing agency...

Customer service jobs can be some of the most challenging positions to fill for business owners. Customer service industry careers also some of the most critical jobs when it pertains to being able to compete effectively in a given market when providing a service or product. A good customer service experience can be a large deciding factor of whether or not a consumer returns to them or suggests their services to other potential customers. Finding quality customer service employees in today's present market is turning out to be a big challenge for companies, including some of our own clients. We hear a lot of stories from business owners and hiring managers that have issues finding qualified candidates. This blog...

During this time of year, individuals and organizations alike spend millions of dollars on gifts for themselves or other people. The combination of holiday shopping and Black Friday has created and driven people to spend their money in numerous ways. In the year 2021, sales on goods during the months of November and December alone are expected to exceed $843 billion. For many people, this yearly spending spree is basically tradition. However, what if there was a different way to celebrate that tradition that can be beneficial and make an impact in our communities? Giving Tuesday, or the #GivingTuesday movement, has gained momentum thanks to social media and has proven to be one of the most impactful donation days of...

Almost every entity has some kind of indirect employee. These employees can be temporary in nature to serve a project or contract or may have a longer term commitment to a business. In general, companies use Employer of Record payroll services to overcome the regulatory and cost hurdles when employing workers in a remote location, to have flexibility on committing to staff, or to find a way to cover benefit costs and/or other employer burdens. Scion, as the employer of record, assumes responsibilities and liabilities for employment issues such as administration, payrolling, taxes, benefits, and maintaining employee records. Payrolled employees always still work on behalf of your entity but are no longer legally on your books.  Payrolling offers flexibility in...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether you’ve been working for decades or just a few months, you’ve heard the buzzword productivity in your work life. We believe in equipping you with the tools and resources to stay empowered and productive. Read on for our tried-and-true tips to increase your productivity in the workspace. Delegate One of the easiest ways to increase your productivity if you work in a team is to delegate the work out. Not only does delegation help you stay focused, it also gives you the opportunity to let team members work on parts of projects that they excel at and can grow in. Efficient delegation is key to continual productivity within your work. Have the right tools Software...

Staffing agencies play a vital role in today's job market, helping both employers and job seekers find the right match. However, several common myths and misconceptions often surround staffing organizations, leading to confusion and missed opportunities for both employers and potential job seekers. In our latest blog post, we aim to debunk four common staffing agency myths and shed light on the truth behind them. Myth 1: Staffing Agencies Only Provide Temporary Jobs Reality: While it's true that staffing agencies excel in temporary and contract placements, they offer much more than short-term roles and temp jobs. Many staffing firms have evolved to cater to a wide variety of employment needs, including direct-hire and temp-to-hire opportunities. They work closely with employers to...

Small business staffing: when should you partner with a staffing firm for your small business? As a small business owner, you know how to juggle. Managing clients, products, marketing, accounting and employees are likely all things you are juggling as a small business owner. The benefits of utilizing a staffing agency are vast-especially for a small business owner. Read on for our top five benefits of partnering with a staffing agency for your growing team. Streamlined Hiring It’s the staffing agency’s job to handle all of the aspects of the hiring process: sourcing and vetting candidates, recruitment and onboarding. Because of this, you will have a much smoother hiring experience. You will have one team managing the hiring process and thus...